• Chaz can’t say his leading Vs so instead of Ted and Viv’s we go to Ted and Biv’s.
  • E lost two teeth in two days. I let her “bite” my finger with her gummy gap. I can feel a single point of tooth coming through. “Mummy I’m a vampire!” She says. I feel a great swelling of love for this silly goose. It seems like it might be annoying not having two front teeth but she hasn’t complained at all.
  • If anybody has any isadora moon books knocking about please share. They are all on loan from the library. I will post them back I just want E to KEEP READING.
  • I made Lachie a shirt. I’ve made many shirts before and yet collars are still a mystery. As always always ALWAYS I now want to go again and do it better.
  • I’ve got a new carpet coming and a the veg beds being redone. The annual FT bonus being put to medium use.
  • On Friday I was having a good time with E, we recorded a podcast for Charlie using garage band, I made her a skirt out of some jolly fabric in the stash, I’d made humous from scratch, and then we were about to head of to the cinema when my neighbour called and I realised she urgently needed some looking after. So I spent the next 6 hours in A&E with her. I was unprepared for how many feet I would see in A&E tbh. Six hours sounds like a long time but… I dunno… I just entered into a kind of flow state where I didn’t notice the time pass. Maybe all of the times I’ve been to kids A&E with chaz has prepared me well.
  • On Sunday we went up to the downs and walked 6km back with the kids. I used the Cornell bird app to ID the birds. Mostly skylarks with a nearly metallic chirrupy song.

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