• When we moved to this house 3 years ago, I was like a drinks fridge? who needs a flipping drinks fridge? but look at me now, with a fridge full of drinks.
  • I went a bit too hard with Joe Wicks and have got hurty legs again. I feel so basic when I do Joe Wicks HIIT shit.
  • E saw a “PRIDE” sign and I said do you know what that means? and she said no and then said maybe and then that a pride was a group of lions.
  • E has developed a character called “person”. “person” has a slightly creepy intense stare and a bit of a Mr Bean energy. “person” doesn’t talk they just smile and stare intensely and enjoy shaking my hand very vigourously. “person” just appeared one day without explanation. I have countered with my own character: “person’s mum”. Lachie tried to be “person’s dad” once but he couldn’t do it because he was laughing too much.
  • There is a full covering of duckweed on the pond but it is also full of little beige newt eggs… so I don’t know what to do here. I’ve been picking it out by hand and putting back any with eggs in which gives me a very zen like calm but it’s extremely slow and not very effective. Any pond people please give me your reckons.

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