• Week 300! 300 consecutive weeks of… all this. [Edit - I had missed a week. this is week 299 >:(]
  • At work I’m trying a new thing with some peers of having someone who is in charge of deciding. I was in charge of deciding if we roll out X thing this week. I decided we weren’t because, um, well the tickets weren’t done. Pretty easy. We’ll try again on Tuesday. I know to anyone who doesn’t work in a beauracracy this sounds like lunacy - how does this need a decision? the work is done or it isn’t? But for better or worse the FT has a lot of committees. What has actually astonished me is how up for trying this all of my committee-mates are.
  • Now E can read, we have had to have the rite of passage Brighton parent conversation about “what a Lady Boy of Bangkok is” because the show (which seems to come to Brighton annually) is on the way to the library. When I told her the central conceit is that those ladys are all boys dressed as ladies, she said maybe there should be a girl one, called the Boy Ladys of Bangkok. Which I would definitely pay to see.
  • Ayyyyy an election! Big business for many people I expect but definitely for news organisations. Poll trackers at the ready.

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