Week 29: Bourgeois millennial nonsense
March 23, 2019
- [Another eco update] Following on from last week’s voyage into buying less stuff wrapped in plastic (as guided by trash plastic, here is another substitute I’ve made. Without bothering to look into it at all I had completely written off who gives a crap as some bourgeois millennial nonsense. I think it’s the individually wrapped brightly coloured rolls that just seemed like they would be expensive and an utterly pointless thing to spend extra on. Anyway I looked it up and a 48 pack of who gives a crap is actually cheaper per sheet than what I was buying from Sainsbury’s (18.8p per sheet vs 22p per sheet). This is definitely because of the economy of scale - I can’t buy 48 toilet rolls in a single pack from Sainsbury’s. Anyway - I now own 48 rolls of toilet paper.
- My presentation to the Broader Technology Leadership Group (which I was nervous about!) went well. I have written a blog post but it is caught up in the machinery of company-wide comms.
- Getting treated like I’m wearing flipping clown shoes by a very busy very important person at work is a humbling experience but I will crush them with my competence eventually. They will know that I am Not A Clown some day. They will say “Oh, Alice? Yes she’s good actually”.
- It was our CTO’s 50th birthday on Monday. He was on holiday, but he made sure everyone that reports in to him got some cake, which seemed like a very cool thing to do. I have a rule about not eating the cake (leaving cake, birthday cake, any celebratory cake what-so-ever) of people I don’t like. I just think it’s a really sick burn to say “no thank you” to someone who offers you cake because you don’t like them. Cake is delicious so you must not like them with deep conviction to refuse it, right? Anyway. I like John, our CTO, a lot so I actually ate two slices of his cake.
- Never ever Trevor roll your own auth.