• Hi! Sometimes - last week for example - people who I somewhat know will say “Oh I’m not a stalker or anything but I do read your weaknotes” - lxds, you reading them is great. I write them for me, but I publish them for you. If I write something in my weaknotes that means you can be like “hey I read about blah” and I will be up for a chat about it, or to hear your thoughts on it. Also 😌 HUMBLE BRAG 😌 there are (according to a google analytics account I had forgotten about until very recently) actually quite a lot of you so… don’t worry about being some weird little freak that likes reading my blog, it’s more common than you think.
  • Two days of school strikes this week. I had a great time with E - we decorated cakes, went to her friend’s house for lunch, threw a birthday party for C, went to every charity shop on London road for some kids clothes, had chips in pitta on the beach, and went in the sea.
  • E and I also got into a very important issue for 5 year olds - the tooth fairy. I asked her: Does the tooth fairy know father christmas? Did she take his teeth when he was little? does the tooth fairy herself have teeth? Who took her teeth? does the tooth fairy know the easter bunny? did she take his teeth too or does she only deal with human teeth?
  • We are potty training C. I hate this bit.
  • One of the common bits of feedback I got from my talk last week was people liked a video I made to explain architecture. I agree! It was good. Here is the video. Some notes:
    • I had to make my own sound booth out of duvets to get the audio that decent.
    • The sound bed is for the Tony Hart fans out there. My people.
    • It took me ages to get two apostrophe characters that I was happy with, many weekends of doodling little apostrophes with faces on things.
    • You can read more about this in a blog post I wrote last year
  • On Monday morning just before I started my new job for real I thought “oh god I can’t do this. How can I possibly do this. I’m going to die on my arse”. It was a bad feeling but by the end of the day I had dealt with these feelings by demonstrably doing the job and in many cases, also having fun. What is the message here? JFDI.
  • On the one hand I am very much a “we don’t comment on other people’s bodies!!!” mum. You know - positive or negative, bodies are bodies and we don’t comment on them. None of our business. Which is fine except that I also played “Fat Bottomed Girls” by Queen for the kids and they love it and sing it all the time 😳
  • I am very busy now. Impossibly busy.

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