• Miserable week, but it ended well.
  • Last week I bent my foot in a direction that it’s not supposed to bend and then put my full body weight onto it. I didn’t bother going to a medical professional because I’m hard as nails and because one of my parent friends is a bone doctor and said if it’s broken or sprained the advice is the same: Rest, Ice, Elevation, Compression.
  • By Tuesday there was a bruise covering 85% of my foot but I could hobble about fine. By Thursday the rest of my body was having a little grumble about all of the compensation I was doing for the foot, and my neck was painful and crunchy. And on Friday I cried at pick-up, not just a little Cheryl Cole X-factor cry but a big ugly cry.
  • On Sunday we had a 7th birthday party. E’s friends are so fun. 7 year old girls are great craic. I gave them all canvas bags to decorate and they made key-rings out of old toys from the London Road charity shops.
  • [Local news for local people] Unrelated to all of the above, this week a podcast interview I did about some proposed changes the the school catchment areas came out. I was a bit nervous because, as I’ve mentioned before, I feel quite isolated in my views that these changes are actually worth supporting, imperfect as they are. The more I’ve learnt about education and the schools in Brighton and Hove the more I am convinced. If you’re interested, you can search for Class Divide wherever you get your podcasts.

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