- Evening all.
- This week I’ve been making a lot of things for the upcoming 7th birthday of E. She’s inviting over 7 friends and we’re going to decorate canvas bags, and assemble “bag charms” which are basically key-rings of knick-knacks that attach to a bag.
- The knick-knacks are all small plastic toys I’ve found in charity shops on London Road in Brighton. For example, seven cherubs, eight small My Little Ponies, a couple of plastic dinosaurs etc. I’ve converted all of these into key-rings by driving tiny eye screws into them and then attaching jump rings to those.
- Then the kids can do some pom-pom or tassel making, and there are also thousands of beads to make beaded key rings too.
- For the party favours me and E made some lip balm, which turns out to be incredibly easy. It’s just beeswax, coconut oil, rose-hip oil and a bit of lip-stick if you want it to be a colour. You melt it all together and then pour it into a little pot. They look really good. E made the top label and then I wrote the ingredients label for the bottom.
- Also as a party favour I’ve made some gaudy troll and polymer clay bead necklaces. I can see that this blog post would work better with images - maybe next week!
- To anyone who hasn’t figured this out about me - I am constantly making things. Usually more than one thing at once. So all this birthday party nonsense is just me channeling all the making I am doing constantly anyway into a seven year old’s party. It’s not even about giving E a great party for me, though I do want that, it’s just fun.
- Also this week: This is kind of Tom’s fault if you think about it because a year ago he broke his foot and then in this week’s weeknotes he said:
Still, just for me, everyone please be extra careful today and don’t break your foot. I appreciate your diligence on this matter.
Only he published that about 2 hours after I had: risen from the kitchen table after a long period of sitting, not realising my foot was completely numb until it was too late and foot was twisted around by my birkenstock slippers, bending my fifth metatarsal bone in a wrong direction until it made a small clicky noise and then I was in a lot of pain.
- I’m not sure if it’s broken or just sprained. Definitely ended my plans for an afternoon run.