• Hello Gang
  • You ever think… Hmm I’ll just check my kid for threadworms, and then there is one and then you give everyone their worming medication and then you realise one of them has headlice too and so you deal with that and then it’s the last day of school and even though the school told you that wrap around care was on, at 3:30pm they call and say “maybe you could come and collect your child, if you aren’t busy as everyone else has gone home” and you think right-o well I was just going to sit here are stare at this wall but I guess I’ll go get them… ha ha just kidding you still have 2 hours of mid year reviews to do, anyway luckily your partner is a bit more free so they only have to hang out in the sandpit on their own for an hour.
  • And then you wake up and it’s Thursday, and you have to do a full day’s work but also pack for the summer holiday and make sure you get away at 5:45pm so you can get the train up to the family who left you behind because you had to work. So you’re doing all the little jobs - watering the plants, taking out the bins etc, and you get to the job of watering the greenhouse tomatoes, and you accidentally scare the cat that likes to hang out there and has chewed up your irrigation system (ACAB) and the cat doesn’t run out of the door, no, it runs into one of the glass panels, first time it bounces off, second time it smashes right throught it, there are tiny 5mm square bits of glass all over the veg bed and the gravel, it’s in your shoes. You let out, first a scared shout, and then a scream of frustration, just as loud as you can, from deep in your chest.
  • I phoned Lachie and he said “just leave the glass. You don’t have time to deal with it” and so I shook the glass out of my shoes, gingerly watered the tomatoes, and then went back inside. Dad says obviously I should just shovel the glass and gravel and dirt up and throw it away, which I will do when I get home from the holiday.
  • I ran an away day with all the tech leads on Wednesday which I put a lot of care and attention into because sometimes it’s good to show people that their time and attention is important. It went well, we’ll do it again.

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