• It occurred to me this week that I could put all the annual + mid-year review feedback I’ve had over 8 years at the FT into chatGPT and do… something?
  • Somebody suggested I get it to guess my star sign? Maybe I’ll ask it what mercury being in retrograde means while I’m at it.
  • I used the term “resources” when I meant people in a meeting and then immediately and very dramatically said “f***ing hell! sorry! people”, which maybe made it worse actually.
  • I spent the weekend as a group of 22 people in a house in Derbyshire, 9 children and 13 adults. These are lachie’s school friends who have, unusually, remained mostly intact as a friendship group. I couldn’t tell you what their secret is.
  • I had a small handful of sungold and some self-seeded rocket this week. Heaven.

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