Week 140: Pfizer shot
May 8, 2021
- I live in a really hilly bit of Brighton. Out of my office window over my back garden I can see the houses that back onto ours and our neighbours, the houses across the street from them, and then the houses that back onto those ones too. So - three rows of houses. The furthest row of houses are on top of a big ridge, and have very steep gardens which are mostly overgrown grass. In that grass, most days I see foxes playing. It’s charming, I’ve bought binoculars to get a better look.
- After a bit of a runaround I have managed to book my second Pfizer shot. One would hope that when I transferred GPs my requirement for a second dose would magically transfer too. However this didn’t happen and for a while I couldn’t get a real person on the phone to help me. I’ll spare you the tedious details, eventually, to my great excitement I got a real person to answer the phone and book me into the vaccination centre the very next day.
- I’ve got more to say but I’ve only got 3% battery and I’m supposed to be leaving for a camping trip so. Sorry this was boring. Byeeeee.