• Two years of weaknotes! I haven’t missed a single week. Might try marginally harder at these for a bit just so they don’t fall totally into me documenting the things I’ve watched on Netflix and the things my children have said or done. That can be a project for next week though - this week, here are the things I watched on Netflix and the things my children have said or done:
  • On Mondays I look after both children like mothers used to do in the olden days. I have no idea how women put up with this isht for so long - it is very difficult. This Monday while I was occupied with child number 2, in three separate incidents, child 1:
    • fell off the big climbing frame (I caught her after a bit of a sprint)
    • pooped her pants
    • weed on the carpet
  • I’ve started watching Anthony Bourdain: Parts Unknown. I don’t know why I had never come across it before, this week I saw it on Netflix and thought “OK then”. After watching all three seasons of Selling Sunset I thought maybe the next thing I watched while feeding the baby should be a bit more… enriching.
  • We had builders in this week to tidy up our dining room. It’s the last room in the house that needed professional help to tidy up, or as E put it “the men came in and made it lovely and then they went home”.
  • I watched the Rubiks Cubers documentary on Netflix because Denise said it was good. It was brilliant, I loved it. It made me feel extremely warm and fuzzy.
  • I went to a socially distanced gathering on the pavement and in the front garden of my neighbour’s house and to my abject horror someone I didn’t know extended their had to shake mine. Reader - unable to deal with the social awkwardness of declining - I shook it.
  • Giles wrote about how to do weeknotes and it includes a bit about BERG’s weeknotes which I then lost a good hour to. I really loved writing weeknotes at BERG. Maybe one day I’ll have a job where everyone gets to write weeknotes again and they can be as silly / interesting (mine were largely silly?) as BERG’s were.

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