• [Monty Don voice] Hello.
  • I have some really beautiful flowers here and a note that just reads “Face toward the sunshine”. Chaz is having his nap, and the others are at the park so the house is completely silent. My hands are rough from the gardening. The sun is shining.
  • Next week will be a year since purple gloves. Wee man is doing better than I would have dared hope back then. He takes his little medicines every night through a syringe or mixed in with a spoonful of choccy mousse and he hasn’t had a seizure since September.
  • Thanks to Lachie’s wonderful parents, I got a lot of gardening in this weekend. It was so nice, it felt fantastic, and now there aren’t small piles of rotting leaves everywhere anymore. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. 🌱
  • I thought all the frogspawn had died and I would have no tadpoles but actually I noticed this morning there are some! Hurrah!
  • I spent all of Thursday talking or listening. Back to back meetings followed by drinks followed by a train ride home with a colleague. Even for me that was too much. I had to call in sick to my driving lesson because my nerves were too frayed.
  • If you love someone sometimes you have to let them go [work in FT Professional for a bit ❤️]

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