Week 341: dead penguin's handle
March 16, 2025
- These are late. Thank you to everyone (one person) who expressed concern that I had taken my hand off the dead-penguin’s handle that is weekly blogging.
- It was my birthday this week (and everybody else’s as I am contractually obligated to mention every year). The last two years I’ve had a joint birthday party with Russell and Phil and made pencils but this year I couldn’t be arsed. I wouldn’t even mention it but I’m worried someone might think “hey did Alice not invite me to her party???”. In a sense, yes I didn’t invite you, but that is because I didn’t have a party. If I’d had a party you would have been the first person I invited, you’re very special to me, of course.
- On my birthday I went to work and had to endure a celebration cake for a project we’d shipped with a terrible pun iced on to it. I won’t repeat the pun here because I don’t want to pollute my pristine blog with such offensiveness. The cake tasted great though, and nobody else seemed as genuinely furious about the pun as me - it must be nice to be cool and chill like that.
- Oh yes and the reason these are late is that for the weekend we went to Yorkshire for a Birthday Ceilidh. For an English person, I am good at Ceilidh’s because Lachie has approx 36 Glaswegian cousins so I’ve had plenty of practice. We didn’t get back from Yorks until 10pm on Sunday, when I went directly to bed.