Week 337: Motherland
February 15, 2025
- Last week at the PTA quiz a drunk mum got on the mic and sung 99 Luft Baloons like something out of Motherland.
- Last week my 1 year old neice came to visit. She mostly lives in Shanghai so though she can speak a bit most of it is mandarin. E played with her a lot, showing her lots of games and even getting a little “chin chin” [kiss] for her efforts. Everyone said how patient e was with her cousin but I’ve watched her deal with having a younger brother for 5 years so I wasn’t suprised ^_^
- Half term this week. I might need to make a sticker chart for myself.
- I drove to B&Q on Sunday and bought some soil. I still feel so stressed about driving, which I know I need to do more of to get over, but there aren’t many reasons to drive when you hate doing it and live in a city.
- I’m trying to get the kids passports. Step one was getting the most miserable looking passport photos in the world for my usually cheerful looking children.
- Might plant some broad beans (under cover) this week.