Week 335: Scintilla of dignity
February 1, 2025
- After last week’s #cheeruptinytears weeknotes I have in fact cheered up. I know I’ve cheered up because every morning I don’t wake up and think “this again?” and every evening when it comes to eating dinner I don’t think “actually I’d rather just eat toast with peanut butter and crawl into a hole”.
- My foot, by the way, is slowly recovering. On Thursday morning I woke up and didn’t instantly think “ow my foot hurts”. The bruise, which started as a uniform blue covering 70% of my foot from instep outwards is now just a brown smudge across my middle three toes.
- On Wednesday wee man had his final dose of Sodium Valproate Chronospheres, following 8 weeks of weaning him off. It’s been nearly three years of poking that medication into his gorgeous face and he’s pretty much always happily taken it.
- Chronospheres are cool. Extremely identical balls that break down in a uniform way giving a steady dose as they pass through your body. Because they are tiny precise spheres they have quite interesting physics. I like to roll them around together on the surface of the egg cup before putting in a teaspoon of petit filous.
- Who remembers teaspoon.com? Probably only one person.
- The BHCC consultation around school catchments finished this week. I don’t know what’s going to happen, but I did what I could.
- On Friday morning at 7am I gave a live interview to BBC Radio Sussex about it. I was in my pyjamas and had woken up at 6:45, which on reflection probably wasn’t taking it quite as seriously as I should have done but, what else was I going to do? wake up earlier and worry more? This chill yoghurt babe? no.
- I’ve got a decent amount of subscriber only content this week, relating to an event that I can’t talk about on the internet. Obviously I don’t have a subscription model because I do have a scintilla of dignity. So the content dies with me!