• I’ve been collecting the kids odd socks for their entire lives. This wasn’t intentional. The socks pass through the usual sock lifecycle: acquisition, either through purchase or they just come home from nursery wearing them, partial retention, passed through both kids as their feet grow into and out of the appropriate size window, and finally death, at the end of their lives they end up with all the other clothes that don’t fit. Except that the other clothes get re-homed, but nobody wants 30 skanky grey-tinged tiny odd socks. So the socks accumulate in the drawer of clothes to be passed along.
  • This weekend I sewed about a 16th of them into a tube and E stuffed them with chopped up offcuts from sewing projects and made a delightful fully recycled snake. She is named Sophia.
  • I had lunch with Tom this week at Koya and he told me a story that made me cry with laughter because it was so funny and so relatable.
  • Inhaled Industry season 3. Incredible telly. Quite funny that they’ve made it about Bulb, though presumably not everyone is as amused about that as I am.
  • Brighton and Hove council have opened quite a radical consultation on changing the secondary school catchment areas to address the attainment gap across the city. Obviously this is a serious and complex topic. But allow me to just be, you know, unserious and uncomplex for a sec - it is ruining the parent chat. Every group of parents I meet wants to talk about it. Most of them have not done the required reading so it’s largely people talking out of their arses. I think the main rub is, in the parent groups I’m in, people’s stated values “all children are equal” are coming up against their internal values “but not as equal as mine”
  • “Nothing will turn you into a tory quicker than having children”

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