• The other day, I was walking up the road to collect Chaz from his last day of nursery, and I had forgotten it was his last day until five minutes prior and so I had gone into Sainsbury’s to pick up some Celebrations. And I was feeling kinda bad because what a shit mum for only getting a shitty box of shitty chocolates after my kids had gone to that nursery for 4 years. And then I thought - well if I was a Dad people would be like “what a great dad for remembering to bring a present.” and they would not be thinking “where is the card? and why is this present so cheap and clearly just some shit from Sainsbury’s that you only just thought about”. So I think we can all have a little think about the differing standards placed on mums vs dads. Some of which, we place on ourselves.
  • I harvested 3.5kg of grapes. I froze some (for science), dried some in the oven (terrible, sour raisins), and made some grape jam with the rest (piquant!).
  • Lachie has gone cyclo-backpacking for a few days with his best pal. I hope they talk about their god damn feelings at some point. Who’d be a hetro man eh?
  • While lachie was away I did all the things he doesn’t like because they are the wrong kind of messy. I cut the kids hair! I let them put hair-chalk in it! I agreed to paint their nails. After lunch we went into town and they looked bloody amazing.
  • I have complicated but ordinary feelings about Chaz’s clippered head.
  • I bought an apple watch. Finally able to make some jokes about closing the rings.
  • I bought a serger - this thing is a beast. I am actually terrified of it.
  • I am such a dum dum for not going in the sea more before the last of the good weather.

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