• I need to unclench my jaw. The dentist told me I have a white line on the inside of my cheeks that means I am a clencher. I find it incredibly hard to imagine anyone who isn’t a jaw clencher - surely nobody is that relaxed. Lachie certainly isn’t, when I got home I checked.
  • Following on from the end of my six year abdication of dental responsibilities (“these teef? none of my business.”), I went to the hygienist this week and she scraped 6 years of plaque of my teeth which I did not enjoy. I keep running my tongue around my new mouth and doing what is probably quite a weird facial expression.
  • The talk I gave at Staff Plus is available to watch. It’s about rebuilding some bits of FT.com. I’ve listened to the audio while tidying up - actually, weirdly, the sound of my own voice gave me enough anxiety that the tidying just started happening. 26.5 minutes of completely uninterrupted putting-things-away. Unprecedented.
  • I have a friend from school (Hi Kyle) and a friend from being a grown up (Hi Tom) and I’d say their tastes in media are generally quite different, so when a show falls into the venn intersection of their tastes… well that is a very powerful recommendation. A long winded way of saying I’m watching Traitors.
  • I keep trying to explain this but it is so incredibly boring so I will say the following:
    • Before Christmas I had a very dicky tummy
    • I had been thinking about doing the Zoe tests for a while but was put off by the price
    • But then I thought - “maybe if I ate properly I wouldn’t keep feeling like crap all the time? Is that something?”
    • So there. And Cheathco was right - it just told me to eat more protein and fibre. But I am much more motivated to do that by having an app that scores all of my meals against some goals tailored to my own blood sugar and blood fat responses.
  • I eat a lot of lentils now. A bit of a shame that bread is so terrible for me, Cheathco was right about that too.

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