• I love you, but you are not serious people. - me to my 5 and 2.5 yo.
  • On Fridays E doesn’t go to an after school club, I pick her up and we come home to what she calls “homie club”
  • The universe humbled me this week with three outages of the website, all out of hours. I was not the main character of any of these outages in any sense, didn’t take any calls, didn’t fix anything, just showed up (in work hours) and held some feelings and listened. We did have a call with Fastly at one point and I was incredibly impressed with all of the people on the call who were nice, smart, helpful and crucially didn’t say anything incredibly cringe unlike some calls with providers I have been on recently.(IYKYK)
  • Little C got sent home from nursery on Thursday which coincided with the school strike, and a cheeky little DDoS on the website.
  • I am still too slow at deciding what to do during driving lessons. When my driving instructor is getting on at me about it I just zone out and think about how far I’ve come, in that I can mainly drive, until he stops talking. (Hi mate if you’re reading this! Sometimes you bang on a bit! Sorry!)
  • Without suffering, there is no joy. I must remember that when I’m trying not to cry in a driving lesson.
  • We had a some of Lachie’s school friends over this weekend. It was heaven. I absolutely love watching all the kids play together. We had a pizza party on Saturday night and went rock pooling by the marina on Sunday (still no starfish). Brighton town was extremely busy but the masses do not go east of the pier so the rock pooling beach was basically empty.
  • On Sunday I got on a bus with the kids and C spotted and picked up a crack pipe that someone had left on the bus seat. Great! Love that for me! Idk maybe start with something a little softer? A puff on a doob at a party? kick it off with a little gateway drug you know? In like… the mummest thing I’ve ever done… I took it off him, wrapped it in a baby wipe and wedged it out of his reach.
  • I saw Leaf this week for coffee. It was delightful. I was late and he lightly roasted me for it which made me laugh extremely loudly and obnoxiously.
  • I got that £250 back! Thanks NatWest. Ily.
  • More speculating in a comic mode next week.

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