• Planted some alliums. Idk if they’re in sunny enough spots to work but I’ll let you know next spring I guess! Another possibility: the squirrels will just dig them all up anyway.
  • Next week is my first four day week as I’ve gone part time. I feel a bit sick thinking about it because it is challenging my worldview that I am a person who can have a full time job and a functioning home life, but it turns out I can’t, actually. So I’m going to do a three month trial and see how the finances and the home life works out.
  • C had 29 days of sick leave from nursery in the last year. E’s school days, even with wrap around care, are 9am to 5:30, or 3:15 on Fridays. So to put some more slack into my schedule I’m going to try four day working weeks and see how I get on both financially and spiritually.
  • Speaking of financials, on Saturday we spoke to a financial advisor and he gently shamed us into “having a plan” for our finances so… that’s good. That’s probably what I’ll do on my first Friday off tbh.

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